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在过去十年中, battlefield threats have evolved into something much more complex and unpredictable, 通过混合新的先进武器技术, 不断变化的地缘政治潮流和不断变化的战争场景. Ground-based air defence is more important than ever, both in more static and in mobile form. 


广泛的空中威胁,如战斗机, 直升机, and missiles are being joined by newer threats such as armed UAV’s and loitering munitions. 需要同时发现和对抗它们, 同时以速度和机动性部署, has been at the forefront of Saab’s Mobile Short-Range 空气 Defence (MSHORAD) system development, 哪些可以很容易地安装到每个车辆平台上. The solution is based on RBS 70 NG missile system called Mobile Firing Unit (MFU) and Giraffe 1X radar called Mobile Radar Unit (MRU). Both of them are the perfect example for flexible systems as they can be redeployed as needed. With a fully integrated Command and Control (C2) system local air pictures are created, 对威胁进行评估并提供自动交战支持. An after-action review enables a later evaluation of the situation which can contribute to the planning of the further mission. Due to its high mobility Saab’s MSHORAD is capable to keep pace with and to protect all parts of a modern maneuvering ground force. 


RBS 70 NG的多目标能力

The Mobile Firing Unit of MSHORAD based on the RBS 70 NG can be integrated onto almost any vehicle platform and thus is extremely versatile. 与单位一起旅行, it offers protection and defence for ground troops in a moving combat area. 在短短五秒钟内, 一旦数据由智能C2系统提供, 导弹击中了目标. 除此之外, the system can be easily  redeployed as a man-portable configuration and is designed to be used in any climate. The RBS 70 NG remains on target unaffected by any countermeasures, 热源和其他干扰影响. 在光学跟踪期间, 操作者可以在发射后的任何时间使用手动控制, 从而改变目标点, 支持改进的瞄准辅助和自动跟踪. By utilizing an integrated thermal imaging device, the RBS 70 NG system operates both day and night. The sight can also be used as a sensor to detect possible threats. Further advantages of the system: the automatic target tracker that increases hit probability as well as the unjammable laser guidance system. 共有19个国家, 包括几个北约国家, already have procured more than 1600 units of the RBS 70 and RBS 70 NG to date, 另外还有18个以上,000枚导弹.


优越的检测长颈鹿1X -站立和运动

The high-resolution 3D AESA radar Giraffe 1X is a versatile multi-mission surveillance system that detects fast missiles and small UAVs, 以及RAM目标, 在高杂波环境中. As an MRU it is also working on the move due to a “search in the move” function, 一个资产, which gathers more and more importance as threats come from all directions in today’s modern warfare. 长颈鹿1X提供360°, 75 km situational awareness with simultaneous air surveillance, GBAD target acquisition as well as RAM sense and warn capabilities without performance degradation. 多亏了内置的无人机追踪器, an enhanced functionality for detection and classification of low, slow and small objects the most challenging UAV threats are also handled. 雷达覆盖, the entire search volume every second and provides air defence commanders with engagement quality target data and early warning with a tracking capability of more than 600 targets simultaneously. With its weight of less than 150 kg and very low power consumptions it is easily integrated in also small vehicles. 

The importance in Ground Based 空气 Defence systems today is mobility, 可伸缩性, networking of different systems and platforms as well as cost efficiency, 可靠性和模块化. The modular design of MSHORAD provides flexibility and can be installed alongside existing equipment which in turn saves resources. MSHORAD is Saab’s response to the new battlefield era and it will detect any target, 在时间紧迫的时候采取行动.



空中威胁在不断演变. Our MSHORAD Solution provides a highly mobile and formidable anti-air capability to effectively identify, 阻止, 或者消除空中威胁.
